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展览预告!“丹心报国 薪火相传——留学归国科技人员与百十年陶瓷黄埔”主题展将于10月14日在景德镇陶瓷大学展出!
时间:2022年10月12日 21:53 来源:










2022年10月正值党的二十大召开之际,为深入贯彻习近平总书记给南京大学留学归国青年学者重要回信精神,景德镇陶瓷大学考古文博学院第一党支部发起本次“丹心报国  薪火相传——留学归国科技人员与百年陶瓷黄埔主题展。展览分为“旭日初升兴瓷业”、“躬耕不辍笃于行”、“砥砺前行向未来”三个部分,从科学技术史学科视角出发,系统收集、整理、展示我校建校以来代表性留学归国科技工作者留学报国相关经历、成果和贡献。旨在深挖科学家精神,传承爱国育人的内涵,弘扬留学报国的光荣传统;讲好“陶大故事”、传颂“陶大精神”;促进“党建+”多层次、全方位建设,丰富思政育人教学形式,实现育人之道、大学之道、时代之道的融合发展。

百十年筚路蓝缕、奋勇探索,百十年春风化雨、春华秋实如今,景德镇陶瓷大学已发展成为全国乃至全世界陶瓷人才培养、陶瓷科技创新和陶瓷文化艺术交流的重要基地,被业界誉为 “陶瓷黄埔”。众多荣誉成果的取得是几代人怀着崇高的历史使命感,艰难创业、务实发展、开拓创新的精神沉淀。






The splendid ceramic culture of ancient China makes every Chinese proud. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the court was exhausted, the country was weak, and the porcelain industry was struggling. In the face of the plight of ceramic industry, people of insight carried the belief of “saving the country by developing industry and education” and revolutionize the old with creating a new education in the ceramic industry. China Ceramic Academy came into being under this background of developing innovative ceramic industrial education.


Jingdezhen Ceramic University (formerly known as China Ceramic Academy) has gone through a historical journey of 112 years. Looking back at history, we clearly find that the school’s initial difficult establishment and subsequent development are closely related to the contributions made by patriots who returned after studying abroad. During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the 1980s and 1990s, and the 21st century, the returnees in these three periods were particularly critical to the innovation and development of the Chinese porcelain industry.


October welcomes the time of the 20th Party Congress in 2022. In order to implement the spirit of the important reply from President Xi Jinping to the young scholars at Nanjing University who have returned to China from studying overseas, the First Party Branch of the School of Archaeology and Museology of Jingdezhen Ceramic University planned and implemented the Theme Exhibition of “Be Loyal to the Nation, Devote to the Development of China -- the Achievements by the Scientific and Technological Returnees and JCU in the Past Hundred Years”. This exhibition has three parts, namely, “The Rising Sun Rises to Prosper the Porcelain Industry”, “Work Hard and Never Stop” and “Forging ahead into the Future”. From the perspective of the history of science and technology, the exhibition systematically collects, organizes and presents the experiences, achievements and contributions of representative returned scholars who returned overseas since the founding period of our university. The exhibition aims to dig deeper into the spirit of scientists, inherit the connotation of patriotic education and carry forward the glorious tradition of studying abroad to serve the country; tell the “JCU story” and spread the “JCU spirit”; promote the multi-level and all-round construction of “Party Construction+”, enrich the teaching form of ideological and political education, and realize the integration and development of the way of education, university and the times.


After more than a hundred years of hard work and exploration, Jingdezhen Ceramic University has developed into a significant base for the cultivation of ceramic talents, the innovation of ceramic science and technology and the exchange of ceramic culture and art all over the country and even the world, well-known as the “Ceramic Huangpu”. The achievement of many honors is the result of the spirit of hard entrepreneurship, pragmatic development, pioneering innovation of several generations.


When looking back on history, the spirit of university motto “sincerity, simplicity, inclusiveness and perseverance” has guided the long-term development of JCU, and will continue to guide the new generation of JCUers to seek truth, inherit and innovate, as well as contribute their strength to the future of Chinese ceramics.













展览总监: 建、陈 宁、吴




展览统筹: 鹏、吕 璇、赵嘉田、刘启寰

策展执行: 鹏、邱晓新、颜璐佳、吕 璇、郝喜文、刘君湘、赵嘉田、杨 敏、林俊杰

藏品资料: 毓、杨 敏、林俊杰、郝喜文、邱晓新、刘君湘、颜璐佳、曾宝宝、周心怡、曾 茜、廖娆娆、陈旻骁、杨雨霏

宣传推广:黄洪燕、吕 璇、张佳奇、马 磊、曾宝宝

展览设计: 倩、刘启寰、孙新明、魏建平

外文翻译: 毓、姜逸每、周心怡

对外联络刘雨婷、李 倩、刘启寰、邬
